My lovely husband bought me the coolest ever present for my birthday last year - a dolls' house. I'd had an amazing dolls' bungalow as a tiny girl, which I loved. My dad had built it for me from scratch and it was wallpapered and furnished beautifully (or as far as 70s decor allowed!) Imagine my horror as a teenager to open a cupboard in the caravan and to see it floored out with severed bits of bungalow. My excuse is that I've never recovered from the shock!
The aim of the blog is to keep up with my 3 current builds and the stories that I'm writing alongside them. I finished an MA in Creative Writing last year, so the aim is publication one day. The current 'writes' and 'builds' are all at various stages of construction and editing!
19, Linton Lane is from the book 'Bedevilled' which should be completed this year. In plain clothes, it's the Mountfield from the Dolls' House Emporium, but in my imagination it's Grace's house where so much of the story occurs.
Gulliver's Bookshop was perfect. It was so perfect, I couldn't possibly leave Miniatura without it! It's been mentioned in a few blogs and articles, so I get all fangirly about it. I still can't quite believe it's mine. It belongs to a story I wrote quite a while ago now, but it needs a thorough overhaul - and the house needs fitting out too!
My latest purchase hasn't arrived yet. It's shipping from New York in the next few days and I'm very excited about it! It's got a 'maybe' story, but lots more possibilities. The nice thing about this one is that I think it'll fit on my desk. You'll hear all about this when it arrives - trust me! There's no way I'll be able to keep it quiet.
Addicted? Almost certainly. Regretting it? Definitely not :)